December 23, 2019

My Notes & Experience in Treating Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia (Cluster Headaches) with Taurine

For me taking large quantities (from 2g up to ~15g / day) of Taurine has helped enough that i would even go so far as to say that my Chronic Cluster Headaches are now in remission. I've only had a few attacks in the last 2-3 years or so, when before it was too many to have any energy left for counting them.

I'm not entirely sure what form of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia (TAC) i've had, but since two of the few dozen doctors i went to were in agreement about CH and distinctions between TACs seem arbitrarily determined based on symptoms determined by individual variations in brain anatomy and given that both patients and the experts all seem to contradict each other about both what is effective for each and what the diagnostic thresholds should be, i guess it doesn't really matter.

In my case CH would appear to have been caused by Chronic Inflamation spreading to the brain and resulting in swelling of the Hypothalamus, which seems to be the main trickering mechanism in TAC attacks. Since Taurine has the ability to bind to GABA receptors in the Hypothalamus, in large enough quantities it is believed to block any signals from getting through, thus somehow aborting an attack. Taurine also acts as an anti-oxidant thus simultaneously reducing inflamation.

As an Abortive:

To boost the speed and effectiveness of Taurine-based abortive treatment, i've been experimenting with various deployment methods and come up with the following approach:
1. Fill an air-tight ~0.5 liter plastic bottle with SPE/PEM filtered Hydrogen Water after running the hydrogen-water generator several times to maximize saturation. 
2. Add an excessive amount of Taurine to the bottle. The excess will form crystals at the bottom of the bottle. You can just reuse them later. 
3. Shake the mixture every few days while keeping it at room temperature, then store at a cold place like a fridge.
4. When drinking the contents during early stages of the attack, also take Green Tea extract and any of the following: Black Pepper, Chili, Garlic, Onion... pretty much anything known to increase the metabolic rate will work, this only makes it kick in sooner.
I also tried making aerosols based on steps 1-3 of the above formula to make it absorbable through the lungs for an even faster deployment, but after each use the ejection point ended up getting blocked by crystallized Taurine, making the approach too unreliable to even test properly. Perhaps there is a way to get around this using an anti-clogging agent of some kind.

As a Preventive:
There doesn't seem to be much difference in effectiveness between 2g and 15g per day, but you should keep it low as only 3grams or less has been confirmed to be safe. Although the only side-effects i've personally experienced from larger doses have been light-headedness, increase in stamina and reduced need for sleep. I recommend only increasing the dosage slightly to avoid inflamation in cases of: stress, fatigue, sickness or infection.

All that said there are certainly many other factors that may still be contributing to my success with Taurine, such as almost always wearing sunglasses outside and avoiding spending more than 20 minutes in sunlight to keep my Hypothalamus unstimulated, as well as consuming pretty much every anti-oxidant i can get my hands on.

Finally, if none of the above works for you, there is always Shrooms.

May 14, 2019

Politician Heuristic Protocols - The Abridged Diagnostic Manual:

Yes (ashamed) = Extremely verbose circular statements.

Yes (unashamed) = Brief poorly planned-out statement.

No (ashamed) = Shifts focus onto someone else.

No (unashamed) = Verbose, repeat themselves as much as possible.

Lie (ashamed) = Change of subject, deflection when pressed.

Lie (unashamed) = Constructed narrative, rehearsed speech.

That's really all there is to it folks.

January 25, 2019

Feminism Broke My Irony Detector

I recently encountered the following video:
At first i just thought: Apparently there is a male Feminist assaulting women on the streets in the name of women's rights; which at first glance seemed like the absolute height of irony, but then, when he started defending his actions, i realized he must wholeheartedly believe women to be so weakminded and easily manipulated by appeals to emotion that the Patriarchy has managed to brainwash them with mere power of suggestion into acting against their own interests; thus making it his duty to protect her from herself even if that means denying her the right to own property, so as to prevent her from communicating her dangerous political views with the world as she clearly isn't mentally fit to have say in such matters, thus making it his moral obligation to prevent her involvement in politics even by force if necessary, after all it's all for her own good as she's unfit to make her own life decisions, but as a Feminist he is doing it because he respects all women and their rights unconditionally...

It was at this point my Irony Detector Imploded...

And just for the record, a significant number of MRAs and Pro-Lifers are just as batshit, because apparently it's a freaking competition now, which is really no surprise given that you'd have to be absolutely bonkers to spend your days arguing with these people, let alone want to bring a child to a world where this kind of shit is a regular occurrance. I think deep down we all know by now that humanity has very likely pretty much ran it's course, but as a human i'd still like to at least pretend that a tiny sliver of hope still exists, but these american activist-folk are making it damn near impossible. I won't be asking much of whomever next goes on to break the world record that the above video has set, but please for fucks sake, at the very least just try to make the excuse of being drunk or high when you do it!

It is no wonder so many people these days are denouncing their membership status in the Human Species in favor of make-believe hybrid Alien Vampire Werewolf Elf Dragon Fursona type stuff, after all no-one in their right mind could possibly want to be part of this species anymore.

So is it then any wonder that people are also simultaneously becoming increasingly obsessed with end of the world scenarios and possible calamities with potential to wipe out >95% of the population overnight? Superficially that may seem like the perfect solution, but in the end it's just another form of escapism, which has already become the primary condition for maintaining one's sanity.

I sincerely hope that the American Empire tears itself apart quickly, so as to avoid it's slow death-spiral swallowing up rest of the world into total economic and societal collapse, thus inevitably leading to neglect of the vital infrastructure that's keeping all that depleted Uranium from irradiating the Earth for the next 4.468 billion years, although at this point a planet ruled by cockroaches is beginning to seem preferrable anyhow.....

Have a nice day on planet Ork - Na-No Na-No...

April 19, 2012

General Public Never Learns From The Past

Many years ago people had pocketwatches which were often dropped to the ground and thus broke. In order to prevent this, people eventually started to attach chains from their pockets to these watches. Today people have cellphones which they inevitably drop to the ground and thus break, so where are such chains today? Idly hanging from people's pockets like an appendix whose origins no one knows nor cares to remember as useless decorative objects hang from their cellphones, of course.

"So what, who cares." one might say while going through cellphone after cellphone with money one doesn't really have and probably owes to the banks more than once over. As one is never criticized for the foolishness of ones collective, you cannot be considered foolish for being played for a fool since everyone else is too. It is through vanity that situations arise where obvious solutions and possibilities are systematically ignored for the sake of conformity, but what good is allowing a group of people to make your decisions for you, when said group can't outsmart a single individual from the 16th century? Obviously the answer is none.

Telling people of the past will not guide their way into the future. Sure history repeats and by all means learn from it, but do not expect the general public to learn from points of reference outside their temporal comfort zones. History only repeats itself because majority of people are stuck in superficial cultural roles which together form an almost unbreakable multigenerational loop. It is disappointing to see how vanity and that strange compulsion to unquestioningly conform are running the world today. Whether it's the social, financial or political decisions, appearance rather than function effectively determines the actions and decisions of most people and only for the sake of easy and quick self-gratification.

When scientists don't know they will tell you so, (unless of course they happen to be members of the academia,) which is why people put their trust in economists and other soothsayers arrogantly boasting, proclaiming and prophesizing of the future from their personal opinions and subjective perceptions. What they say is not only abstract and fague, but totally disconnected from causal links of reality and human well-being, none of which really matters to those who "feel what they're saying" (as in like to blame others for problems of their own creation). Being right twice a day doesn't make a broken watch trustworthy, but if you "feel what it's saying" ...apparently for most people that is good enough.

Almost all mistakes, even wars, could be prevented with bit of perspective and just a little reflection, but "If we learned to avoid wars, there would be no war movies." as the internal monologues of the voting public may proclaim from the comfort of  their sofas. We have already wasted most of what dinosaurs paid for with billions years of rotting in earth's crust, so perhaps it is simply our turn to rot next.  So, is the glass half full or half empty when the contents are pouring onto the table? Maintainers of the status quo will helpfully point out that the table is made of glass, so you have nothing to worry about.

We live at a point in human history where we may observe reality smoothly overlapping with satire as ideology tries to attack technical reality, frequently turning society into a legal battleground with countless lifes lost within the bureaucracy. It doesn't take great insight to know the outcome, but explaining that to any person stubborn enough to believe in the validity of personal opinions will just earn you lots of self-proclaimed enemies determined to undermine your every move.

In conclusion, teaching the general public about historical events is a waste of your time and effort. To reshape the future you must do it with the unwavering 'confidence' of a meteor, blasting through all obstacles in your way, till you get a chance to produce an impact great enough to take a few hundred years to corrode out of existence.

March 14, 2012

Perpetually Lost In Existentialism

I have lately been wasting most of my time thinking about how much time it would take to write down all the things i've planned on writing, which i constantly end up doing rather than writing it one paragraph at a time like i know i should.

Once i get in this endless loop of purposeless sense of aimlessness arising from temporal dysfunction of the quantitive methods of my existential reflection, i always end up reflecting on the shortness of the human lifespan thus just wasting more of the limited time i as a biological machine have left on this planet.

While in this mindset, i also keep constantly getting distracted by the mundane and tedious forms of entertainment this world has to offer. Hopefully i'll be able to manage this tendency better once i have systematically gone through all of it. [/sarcasm]

This is a really annoying flaw in the human psyche and probably one of the most difficult ones to get rid of. How can a person self-program oneself to totally ignore immediate gratification without losing ones moral compass in the process?

This is one of the most difficult questions i have yet conceived of, partly because it is deeply rooted in low level biological aspects of human psychology, which in itself could lead one to wonder whether there really is an answer. This in turn would just mean it was the wrong question, but if that is the case then what would be the right question to ask? That's the question.