January 25, 2019

Feminism Broke My Irony Detector

I recently encountered the following video:
At first i just thought: Apparently there is a male Feminist assaulting women on the streets in the name of women's rights; which at first glance seemed like the absolute height of irony, but then, when he started defending his actions, i realized he must wholeheartedly believe women to be so weakminded and easily manipulated by appeals to emotion that the Patriarchy has managed to brainwash them with mere power of suggestion into acting against their own interests; thus making it his duty to protect her from herself even if that means denying her the right to own property, so as to prevent her from communicating her dangerous political views with the world as she clearly isn't mentally fit to have say in such matters, thus making it his moral obligation to prevent her involvement in politics even by force if necessary, after all it's all for her own good as she's unfit to make her own life decisions, but as a Feminist he is doing it because he respects all women and their rights unconditionally...

It was at this point my Irony Detector Imploded...

And just for the record, a significant number of MRAs and Pro-Lifers are just as batshit, because apparently it's a freaking competition now, which is really no surprise given that you'd have to be absolutely bonkers to spend your days arguing with these people, let alone want to bring a child to a world where this kind of shit is a regular occurrance. I think deep down we all know by now that humanity has very likely pretty much ran it's course, but as a human i'd still like to at least pretend that a tiny sliver of hope still exists, but these american activist-folk are making it damn near impossible. I won't be asking much of whomever next goes on to break the world record that the above video has set, but please for fucks sake, at the very least just try to make the excuse of being drunk or high when you do it!

It is no wonder so many people these days are denouncing their membership status in the Human Species in favor of make-believe hybrid Alien Vampire Werewolf Elf Dragon Fursona type stuff, after all no-one in their right mind could possibly want to be part of this species anymore.

So is it then any wonder that people are also simultaneously becoming increasingly obsessed with end of the world scenarios and possible calamities with potential to wipe out >95% of the population overnight? Superficially that may seem like the perfect solution, but in the end it's just another form of escapism, which has already become the primary condition for maintaining one's sanity.

I sincerely hope that the American Empire tears itself apart quickly, so as to avoid it's slow death-spiral swallowing up rest of the world into total economic and societal collapse, thus inevitably leading to neglect of the vital infrastructure that's keeping all that depleted Uranium from irradiating the Earth for the next 4.468 billion years, although at this point a planet ruled by cockroaches is beginning to seem preferrable anyhow.....

Have a nice day on planet Ork - Na-No Na-No...